Wednesday, June 8, 2011

The Age of Exploration

The Age of Exploration lasted between 1418 and 1620.  There were several countries that affected this time period.  They included to be Portugal, Spain, the Netherlands, England and France.  These countries all had something in common, that would be the spread of their religions.  They would send out ships around the world to continue and disperse their religions.  Not only did they use it to spread religion but also to figure out the rest of the world.  Often times being so far away the people didn't exactly know what was going on out there in the world. They also found better routes to travel on this way.  Ever head of A.O.E? Well A.O.E. was used to find better sea routes through out the world.  This was a big thing for explorers because with every discovery there were more riches & fame.  With all the searching, it became almost like a race, and the people fought for the fame & riches. BRI WILLIAMS

The most important explorers, in my eyes, were Christopher Columbus, Ferdinand Magellan and Hernand Cortes.  This is because these explorers all discovered things we still involve ourselfs with to this day.  I would say that Ferdinand Magellan was the most important explorer because he sailed around the entire world.  Along with that he figured out that the world is round.  Christopher was second, being the founder of America.  Hernand explored Mexico and found out much information about the Aztecs that are included into our history until this day.

If I were living in the Age of Exploration. I would take the advantage of being a explorer therefore, if I was successful I could be very wealthy.  The trading for me would be an advantage because the amount of discoveries and tradings were increasing.

Merchants were huge in that day.  They were very successful and making much money lead to more voyages.  With all the more voyages they discovered more items that still exist in history.