Thursday, March 31, 2011

Arabian Mountains.

The Largest mountain ranges are along the Western & Southern edges of the penninsula.  Dividing the coastal plain from the desert. 

(ignoring the arrow.) These mountains rising from 1,000 to 12,000 feet high.  Moist winds from the Indian Ocean bring much rain, close to 20 inches a year.  Keeping the area cool. 

In the winter the mountains may have a thin layer of frost.  Ancient dry river beds cut down the sides of mountains & fill with water during rain storms.

People have lived on the Arabian mountains for thousands of years.  Being so isolated, they came up with their own ways of life.  Instead of years ago, mud houses, they live in dwellings.  For farming they created step like terraces (flat areas).  Terrace walls conserved water and kept it from running off into the feilds.  Farmers also created dams & irrigation systems, storing extra rainwater in storage containers, leather bags & hollwed out trees.  This is a picture of the Asir Mountains.

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